Confirmed Deceased
Top row, from left are: Eric Allen, Sqd. 018; Joseph Angelini, Res. 001; Louis Arena, Lad. 005; Cpt. Daniel Brethel, Lad. 024; Andrew Brunn, Lad. 005; Peter Carroll, Sqd. 001. Bottom row, from left are: BC. Dennis Cross, Bat. 057; Robert Curatolo, Lad. 016; Lt. Andrew Desperito, Eng. 001; Cpt. Martin Egan Jr., Div. 015; FDC. William Feehan, COMMIS; COD. Peter Ganci Jr., COFDPT.(AP Photo)
Lt. Geoffrey Guja, Bat. 043; Sean Hanley, Lad. 020; Thomas Hannafin, Lad. 005; Timothy Haskell, Sqd. 018; William Henry, Res. 001; Cpt. Walter Hynes, Lad. 013. Bottom row, from left are: Mychal Judge; Joseph Maloney, Bat. 006; BC. William McGovern, Bat. 002; Martin McWilliams, Eng. 022; Lt. Dennis Mojica, Res. 001; Manuel Mojica, Sqd. 018. (AP Photo)
Top row, from left are: BC. Richard Prunty, Bat. 002; John Santore, Lad. 005; Cpt. Timothy Stackpole, Div. 011; Daniel Suhr, Eng. 216; Lawrence Virgilio, Sqd. 018; Lt. Michael Warchola, Lad. 005. Bottom row, from left are: Michael Weinberg, Eng. 001; Lt. Glenn Wilkinson, Eng. 238; BC. John Williamson, Bat. 006; Raymond York, Eng. 285. (AP Photo)Unaccounted for
Top row, from left are: Joseph Agnello, Lad. 118; Lt. Brian Ahearn, Bat. 013; Richard Allen, Lad. 015; Cpt. James Amato, Sqd. 001; Calixto Anaya Jr., Eng. 004; Joseph Angelini Jr., Lad. 004. Bottom row, from left are: Faustino Apostol Jr., Bat. 002; David Arce, Eng. 033; Carl Asaro, Bat. 009; Lt. Gregg Atlas, Eng. 010; Gerald Atwood, Lad. 021; Gerard Baptiste, Lad. 009. (AP Photo)
Top row, from left are: AC. Gerard Barbara, CMDCTR; Matthew Barnes, Lad. 025; Arthur Barry, Lad. 015; Lt. Steven Bates, Eng. 235; Carl Bedigan, Eng. 214, Stephen Belson, Bat. 007. Bottom row, from left are: John Bergin, Res. 005, Paul Beyer, Eng. 006, Peter Bielfeld, Lad. 042, Brian Bilcher, Sqd. 001, Carl Bini, Res. 005, Christopher Blackwell, Res. 003. (AP Photo)
Top row, from left are: Michael Bocchino, Bat. 048; Frank Bonomo, Eng. 230; Gary Box, Sqd. 001; Michael Boyle, Eng. 33; Kevin Bracken, Eng. 040; Michael Brennan, Lad. 004. Bottom row, from left are: Peter Brennan, Res. 004; Cpt. Patrick Brown, Lad. 003; Cpt. Vincent Brunton, Lad. 105; Ronald Bucca, SCTFAD; Greg Buck, Eng. 201; Cpt. William Burke Jr., Eng. 021. (AP Photo)
Top row, from left are: AC. Donald Burns, CMDCTR; John Burnside, Lad. 020; Thomas Butler, Sqd. 001; Patrick Byrne, Lad. 101; George Cain, Lad. 007; Salvatore Calabro, Lad. 101. Bottom row, from left are: Cpt. Frank Callahan, Lad. 035; Michael Cammarata, Lad. 011; Brian Cannizzaro, Lad. 101; Dennis Carey, HMC 001; Michael Carlo, Eng. 230; Michael Carroll, Lad. 003. (AP Photo)
Top row, from left are: Thomas Casoria, Eng. 022; Michael Cawley, Lad. 136; Vernon Cherry, Lad. 118; Nicholas Chiofalo, Eng. 235; John Chipura, Eng. 219; Michael Clarke, Lad. 002. Bottom row, from left are: Steven Coakley, Eng. 217; Tarel Coleman, Sqd. 252; John Collins, Lad. 025; Robert Cordice, Sqd. 001; Ruben Correa, Eng. 074; James Coyle, Lad. 003. (AP Photo)
Top row, from left are: Robert Crawford, SFTYB1; Lt. John Crisci, HAZMAT; Thomas Cullen, III, Sqd. 041; Lt. Edward Datri, Sqd. 001; Michael D'Auria, Eng. 040; Scott Davidson, Lad.118. Bottom row, from left are: Edward Day, Lad. 011; BC. Thomas DeAngelis, Bat. 008; Manuel Delvalle, Eng. 005; Martin DeMeo, HMC. 001; David DeRubbio, Eng. 226; BC. Dennis Devlin, Bat. 009. (AP Photo)
Top row, from left are: Gerard Dewan, Lad. 003; George DiPasquale, Lad. 002; Lt. Kevin Donnelly, Lad. 003; Lt. Kevin Dowdell, Res. 004; BC. Raymond Downey, SOC; Gerard Duffy, Lad. 021. Bottom row, from left are: Michael Elferis, Eng. 022; Lt. Michael Esposito, Sqd. 001; Francis Esposito, Eng. 235; Robert Evans, Eng. 033; BC. John Fanning, HAZMOP; Cpt. Thomas Farino, Eng. 026. (AP Photo)
Top row, from left are: Terrence Farrell, Res. 004; Cpt. Joseph Farrelly, Div. 001; Lee Fehling, Eng. 235; Alan Feinberg, Bat. 009; Michael Fiore, Res. 005; Lt. John Fischer, Lad. 020. Bottom row, from left are: Andre Fletcher, Res. 005; John Florio, Eng. 214; Lt. Michael Fodor, Lad. 021; Thomas Foley, Res. 003; David Fontana, Sqd. 001; Robert Foti, Lad. 007. (AP Photo)
Top row, from left are: Andrew Fredericks, Sqd. 018; Lt. Peter Freund, Eng. 055; Thomas Gambino, Jr., Res. 003; Lt. Charles Garbarini, Bat. 009; Thomas Gardner, Hmc. 001; Matthew Garvey, Sqd. 001. Bottom row, from left are: Bruce Gary, Eng. 040; Gary Geidel, Res. 001; BC. Edward Geraghty, Bat. 009; Denis Germain, Lad. 002; Lt. Vincent Giammona, Lad. 005; James Giberson, Lad. 035. (AP Photo)
Top row, from left are: Ronnie Gies, Sqd. 288; Paul Gill, Eng. 054; Lt. John Ginley, Eng. 040; Jeffrey Giordano, Lad. 003; John Giordano, Hmc. 001; Keith Glascoe, Lad. 021. Bottom row, from left are: James Gray, Lad. 020; BC. Joseph Grzelak, Bat. 048; Jose Guadalupe, Eng. 054; Lt. Joseph Gullickson, Lad. 101; David Halderman, Sqd. 018; Lt. Vincent Halloran, Lad. 008.(AP Photo)
Top row, from left are: Robert Hamilton, Sqd. 041; Dana Hannon, Eng 026; Daniel Harlin, Lad. 002; Lt. Harvey Harrell, Res. 005; Lt. Stephen Harrell, Bat. 007; Cpt. Thomas Haskell, Jr., Div. 015. Bottom row, from left are: Cpt. Terence Hatton, Res. 001; Michael Haub, Lad. 004; Lt. Michael Healey, Sqd. 041; John Heffernan, Lad 011; Ronnie Henderson, Eng. 279; Joseph Henry, Lad. 021. (AP Photo)
Top row, from left are: Thomas Hetzel, Lad. 013; Cpt. Brian Hickey, Res. 004; Lt. Timothy Higgins, SOC.; Jonathan Hohmann, Hmc. 001; Thomas Holohan, Eng. 006; Joseph Hunter. Sqd. 288. Bottom row, from left are: Jonathan Ielpi, Sqd. 288; Cpt. Frederick Ill Jr., Lad. 002; William Johnston, Eng. 006; Andrew Jordan, Lad. 132; Karl Joseph, Eng. 207; Lt. Anthony Jovic, Bat. 047. (AP Photo)
Top row, from left are: Angel Juarbe, Jr., Lad. 012; Vincent Kane, Eng. 022; BC. Charles Kasper, BATSOC; Paul Keating, Lad. 005; Richard Kelly, Jr., Lad. 011; Thomas Kelly, Lad. 105. Bottom row, from left are: Thomas W. Kelly, Lad. 015; Thomas Kennedy, Lad. 101; Lt. Ronald Kerwin, Sqd. 288; Michael Kiefer, Lad. 132; Robert King, Jr., Eng. 033; Scott Kopytko, Lad. 015. (AP Photo)
Top row, from left are: William Krukowski, Lad. 021; Kenneth Kumpel, Lad. 025; Thomas Kuveikis, Sqd. 252; David LaForge, Lad. 020; William Lake, Res. 002; Robert Lane, Eng. 055. Bottom row, from left are: Peter Langone, Sqd. 252; Scott Larsen, Lad. 015; Lt. Joseph Leavey, Eng. 015; Neil Leavy, Eng. 217; Daniel Libretti, Res. 002; Par. Carlos Lillo, 7981.(AP Photo)
Robert Linnane, Lad. 020. (AP Photo)
Top row, from left are: Michael Lynch, Eng. 040; Michael Lynch, Lad. 004; Michael Lyons, Sqd. 041; Patrick Lyons, Sqd. 252; Joseph Maffeo, Lad. 101; William Mahoney, Res. 004; Bottom row, from left are: B.C. Joseph Marchbanks Jr., Bat. 012; Lt. Charles Margiotta, Bat. 022; Kenneth Marino, Res. 001; John Marshall, Eng. 023; Lt. Peter Martin, Res. 002; Lt. Paul Martini, Eng. 201.
Top row, from left are: Joseph Mascali, TSU2; Keithroy Maynard, Eng. 033; Brian McAleese, Eng. 226; John McAvoy, Lad. 003; Thomas McCann, Bat. 008; Lt. William McGinn, Sqd. 018. Bottom row, from left are: Dennis McHugh, Lad. 013; Robert McMahon Lad. 020; Robert McPadden, Eng. 023; Terence McShane, Lad. 101; Timothy McSweeney, Lad. 003; Raymond Meisenheimer, Res. 003. (AP Photo)
Top row from left: Charles Mendez, Lad. 7; Steve Mercado, Eng. 40; Douglas Miller, Res. 5; Henry Miller Jr., Lad. 105; Robert Minara, Lad. 25; Thomas Mingione, Lad. 132. Bottom row from left: Lt. Paul Mitchell, Bat. 1; Capt. Louis Modafferi, Res. 5; Carl Molinaro, Lad. 2; Michael Montesi, Res. 1; Capt. Thomas Moody, Div. 1; BC John Moran, Bat. 49. (AP Photo)
Top row, from left are: Vincent Morello, Lad. 035; Christopher Mozzillo, Eng. 055; Richard Muldowney Jr., Lad. 007; Michael Mullan, Lad. 012; Dennis Mulligan, Lad. 002; Lt. Raymond Murphy, Lad. 016. Bottom row, from left are: Lt. Robert Nagel, Eng. 058; John Napolitano, Res. 002; Peter Nelson, Res. 004; Gerard Nevins, Res. 001; Dennis O'berg, Lad. 105; Lt. Daniel O'Callaghan, Lad. 004. (AP Photo)
Top row from left: Douglas Oelschlager, Lad. 15; Joseph Ogren, Lad. 3; Lt. Thomas O'Hagan, Bat. 4; Samuel Oitice, Lad. 4; Patrick O'Keefe, Res. 1; Capt. William O'Keefe, Div. 15. Bottom row from left: Eric Olsen, Lad. 15; Jeffrey Olsen, Eng. 10; Steven Olson, Lad 3; Kevin O'Rourke, Res. 2; Michael Otten, Lad. 35. (AP Photo)
Top row, from left are: Jeffrey Palazzo, Res. 005; Orio Palmer, Bat. 007; Frank Palombo, Lad. 105; Paul Pansini, Eng. 010; BC John Paolillo, Bat. 011; James Pappageorge, Eng. 023. Bottom row, from left are: Robert Parro, Eng. 008; Durrell Pearsall, Res. 004; Lt. Glenn Perry, Bat. 012; Lt. Philip Petti, Bat. 007; Kevin Pfeifer. Eng. 033; Lt. Kenneth Phelan, Bat. 032. (AP Photo)
Top row, from left are: Christopher Pickford, Eng. 201; Shawn Powell, Eng. 207; Vincent Princiotta, Lad. 007; Kevin Prior, Sqd. 252; Lincoln Quappe, Res. 002; Michael Quilty, Lad. 011. Bottom row, from left are: PAR. Ricardo Quinn, 7990; Leonard Ragaglia, Eng. 054; Michael Ragusa, Eng. 279; Edward Rall, RES002; Adam Rand, Sqd. 288; Donald Regan, Res. 003. (AP Photo)
Top row from left: Lt. Robert Regan, Lad. 118; Christian Regenhard, Lad. 131; Kevin Reilly, Eng. 207; Lt. Vernon Richard, Lad. 7; James Riches, Eng. 4; Joseph Rivelli Jr., Lad. 25. Bottom row from left: Michael Roberts, Eng. 214; Michael Roberts, Lad. 35; Anthony Rodriguez, Eng. 279; Matthew Rogan, Lad. 11; Nicholas Rossomando, Res. 5; Paul Ruback, Lad. 25. (AP Photo)
Top row from left: Stephen Russell, Eng. 55; Lt. Michael Russo, SOC; BC Matthew Ryan, Bat. 1; Thomas Sabella, Lad. 13; Christopher Santora Eng. 54; Gregory Saucedo, Lad. 5. Bottom row from left: Dennis Scauso, HMC 1; John Schardt, Eng. 201; BC Fred Scheffold, Bat. 12; Thomas Schoales, Eng. 4; Gerard Schrang, Res. 3; Gregory Sikorsky, Sqd. 41. (AP Photo)
Top row from left: Stephen Siller, Sqd. 1; Stanley Smagala Jr., Eng. 226; Kevin Smith, HMC 1; Leon Smith Jr., Lad. 118; Robert Spear Jr., Eng. 26; Joseph Spor, Res. 3. Bottom row from left: BC Lawrence Stack, Bat. 50; Gregory Stajk, Lad. 13; Jeffrey Stark, Eng. 230; Benjamin Suarez, Lad. 21; Lt. Christopher Sullivan, Lad. 111; Brian Sweeney, Res. 1. (AP Photo)
Top row from left: Sean Tallon, Lad. 10; Allan Tarasiewicz, Res. 5; Paul Tegtmeier, Eng. 4; John Tierney, Lad. 9; John Tipping II, Lad. 4; Hector Tirado Jr., Eng. 23. Bottom row from left: Richard Van Hine, Sqd. 41; Peter Vega, Lad. 118; Lawrence Veling, Eng. 235; John Vigiano II, Lad. 132; Sergio Villanueva, Lad. 132; Lt. Robert Wallace, Eng. 205. (AP Photo)
Top row from left: Jeffrey Walz, Lad. 9; Capt. Patrick Waters, SOC; Kenneth Watson, , Eng. 214; David Weiss, Res. 1; Timothy Welty, Sqd. 288. Bottom row from left: Eugene Whelan, Eng. 230; Edward White, Eng. 230; Mark Whitford, Eng. 23; Capt. David Wooley, Lad. 4. (AP Photo)
Undated handout New York Police Department photos, Top row from left: Sgt. John Coughlin, ESS-4; Sgt. Michael Curtin, ESS-2; John Dallara, ESS-2; Vincent Danz, ESS-3. Bottom row from left: Jerome Dominguez, ESS-3; Stephen Driscoll, ESS-4; Mark Ellis, TD-4; Robert Fazio, 13th Precinct. (AP Photo)
Undated handout New York Police Department photos, top row from left: Sgt. Rodney Gillis, ESS-8; Ronald Kloepfer, ESS-7; Thomas Langone, ESS-10; James Leahy, 6th Precinct. Bottom row from left: Brian McDonnell, ESS-1; John Perry, 40th Precinct; Glen Pettit, Police Academy; Det. Claude Richards, Bomb Squad. (AP Photo)
Undated handout New York Police Department photos, top row from left: Sgt. Timothy Roy, Traffic Division; Moira Smith, 13th Precinct; Ramon Suarez, TD-4; Paul Talty, ESS-10. Bottom row from left: Santos Valentin, ESS-7; Det. Joseph Vigiano, ESS-3; Walter Weaver, ESS-3. (AP Photo)**********************************
Eric Allen, firefighter, New York Fire Department
Louis Arena, firefighter, New York Fire Department
Wanda Reynolds-Arena, wife of firefighter Louis Arena holds her son Joseph, 3, as she leaves St. Patrick's church in Staten Island, N.Y., Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2001. Louis Arena died in Tuesday's terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. (AP Photo/Louis Lanzano)Christopher Amoros, Port Authority police officer
1st photo Christopher Amoroso, 29, Port Authority police officer.
2nd photo (Family Photo) Christopher C. Amoroso with his wife, Jamie, and their daughter Sophia Rose.
3rd photo Christopher Charles Amoroso He is a Port Authority Police Officer assigned to the World Trade center. He was last heard from on Tuesday at 5:30 AM. He has not been heard from since.Faustino Apostol, firefighter
Faustino Apostol, 55, firefighter, was funny, youthful, lovingAssistant Deputy Chief Gerard A. Barbara of West Brighton
1st photo (SI Advance Photo/Irving Silverstein)Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and Fire Commissioner, Thomas Von Essen walk toward St. Patrick's Cathedral to attend the memorial mass for Assistant Deputy Chief Gerard A. Barbara, of West Brighton.
2nd photo SI Advance Photo/Irving Silverstein)Joanne Barbara is escorted from St. Patrick's Cathedral after a memorial mass for her husband, Assistant Deputy Chief Gerard A. Barbara of West BrightonBrian Bilcher, firefighter
Brian Bilcher, resident of South Beach, 36 yrs. old, husband to Tina Bilcher, father to Grant James Bilcher. He has been a firefighter for 12 years and loved his job. He is a dedicated husband, father, friend and would not hesitate to lend a helping hand. He was originally in Engine 33 and ladder 9 on Great Jones St. and had just recently transfered to Squad 1 in Carroll Gardens Park Slope. He was also studying to take the lieutenant's test coming up. ( Daniel Brethel, 40, firefighter, New York Fire Department
Andrew Brunn, 28, firefighter, New York Fire Department
Patrick Byrne from Ladder CO 101
Patrick Byrne from Ladder CO 101 is missing. He is from Pleasant Plains. ( Callahan,Port Authority police officer
The wife of Port Authority police officer Liam Callahan holds up his picture during the New Jersey Memorial for victims of the World Trade Center collapse at Liberty State Park in Jersey City September 23, 2001. The twin towers of the World Trade Center collapsed September 11. REUTERS/Rick Wilking (Caption Correction-Unidentified woman not the wife)Peter Carroll, firefighter, New York Fire Department
A firefighter tries to comfort Toni Ann Carroll, wearing her husband's uniform cap, at the funeral for her husband, Peter. (SI Advance Photo/Rob Sollett)Dennis Cross, New York City Battalion Chief
1st photo: New York City Firefighters carry the casket of New York City Battalion Chief Dennis Cross out of St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church in Islip Terrace, N.Y., Saturday, Sept. 22, 2001. Cross was killed in the World Trade Center terrorist attack on Sept. 11. (AP Photo/Ed Bailey)
2nd photo: New York City Fire Chief Brian O'Flaherty escorts Jo Ann Cross, wife of New York City Battalion Chief Dennis Cross out of St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church in Islip Terrace, N.Y., Saturday, Sept. 22, 2001. Cross was killed in the World Trade Center terrorist attack on Sept. 11. (AP Photo/Ed Bailey)Michael Clarke, firefighter
Michael Clarke, 27, firefighter, smile 'lit up a room'Robert Curatolo, firefighter, New York Fire Department
The family of Firefighter Robert Curatolo, including his wife, Christine, holding hat, and his parents Anthony and Mary Ann, enter St. Mary's R.C. Church, Rosebank. Robert Curatolo, 31, of Bay Terrace Curatolo's shift at Ladder Co. 16 in Manhattan had already ended when he arrived at the site of the World Trade Center collapse. He was killed some time after the second tower fell. He comes from a family full of public servants. His brothers, Billy and John, are both firefighters, and his brother, Anthony, is a police officer. (SI Advance Photo/Irving Silverstein)Vincent Danz, NYPD
At a memorial service in Farmingdale, N.Y., Winifred Danz, 8, carries the police cap of her late father, Vincent Danz. Winifred's mother Angela follows. Danz is among the hundreds of New York City rescue personnel entombed by the collapsed towers of the World Trade Center. Matt Campbell - AFPClinton Davis Sr., Port Authority police officer
Family and friends surround Daphne Davis, right, during the funeral for her husband, Port Authority police officer Clinton Davis Sr., in Queens, N.Y. Davis is one of over 6,300 feared dead in the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center. Doug Kanter - AFPManuel DelValle, firefighter
Gricel Zayas-Moyer, left, leaves Mission Church with her husband, Dr. Peter Moyer, after a prayer service for their son, firefighter Manuel DelValle, in Boston Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2001. DelValle, a firefighter with FDNY, Engine Co. #5 in lower Manhattan, was last seen on the 10th floor of the World Trade Center assisting a fellow firefighter who had developed chest pains. (AP Photo/Elise Amendola)George DiPasquale, firefighter, Ladder Co. 2
Tracy Tursi is looking for her cousin, George DiPasquale. He is a firefighter in Midtown Manhattan with Ladder Co. 2. He was last seen on the 20th floor in Tower 1. He is from Staten Island, NY. He lives with his wife and daughter in Elm Park. He has been married to my cousin Melissa for 9 yrs. They have a beautiful baby daughter - her name is Georgia. She is a year and a half yrs.old. Our whole family is devestated by this disgusting act. I pray for my family and everyone elses. Our family is trying to stick together and have hope that he is ok. Please do whatever you can and help us be reunited with our beloved cousin, and help us stay strong!Lt. Andrew Desperito, 30, Patchogue, N.Y., firefighter, New York Fire Department
Ray Downey, chief of special operations command, New York Fire Department
Capt. Martin Egan Jr., firefighter, New York Fire Department
1st photo On Tuesday, Capt. Martin J. Egan Jr., 36 Fire Department captain, a member of Ladder Co. 118 in Brooklyn and a Great Kills resident, died after responding to the World Trade Center terror attack.
2nd photo Diane Egan watches as the casket of her husband, Capt. Martin Egan, is carried out of St. Margaret Mary's R.C. Church, Midland Beach. (SI Advance Photo/Irving Silverstein)William Feehan, 72, first deputy commissioner, New York Fire Department
Stephen J. Fiorelli, 43, Aberdeen, N.J., civil engineer, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
Peter Ganci Jr., chief of department, New York Fire Department
1st photo Hundreds gather to honor Chief of Fire Dept. Peter Ganci at his funeral, held at St. Julian's Church in Farmingdale, L.I. (9/15/01)
2nd photo Firefighters carry the casket of New York City Fire Chief Peter J. Ganci in Farmingdale, New York September 15, 2001 following his funeral. Chief Ganci, a 33-year veteran of the department, was killed during the collapse of the World Trade Center's twin towers in New York September 11. (Reuters/Mike Segar)
3rd photo A fire engine carrying the body of New York City Fire Department Chief Peter J. Ganci drives past firefighters outside of a church in Farmingdale, N.Y., Saturday, Sept. 15, 2001. Ganci was killed in the collapse of the World Trade Center in New York after Tuesday's terrorist attack. (AP Photo/Ed Betz)Sean Hanley, firefighter, New York Fire Department
1st photo shows Sean's mother, My husband,my son,my daughter and me in the right corner with red hair.
2nd photo show Sean's 2 brothers and Sean,s father. I have not been able to stop crying. When I kissed Seans casket good bye I heard him say to me,"its o.k. Aunt" I then felt him hug me,I know Sean is in heaven. But my brother-in-law and sister-in-law is who I cry for now. I cannot imagine (nor do I ever ) losing a child. Thank you for listening. Marie(maternial aunt)
(SI Advance Photo/Jan Somma) 3rd photo: Three brothers of the late Firefighter Sean Hanley, Bryan, Gerald and Kevin, bear his casket outside Blessed Sacrament R.C. Church in West Brighton. Sean S. Hanley, 35, of Bulls Head, Hanley had just finished his night shift at Ladder Co. 20 in the SoHo section of Manhattan and pulled away in his black truck at about 8:45 a.m. He turned on the radio and heard that the Twin Towers were on fire. Like so many other men caught between changing shifts, Hanley turned his car around and headed straight for the buildings and the site now known as Ground Zero.
Hanley's paternal grandfather was a New York City firefighter who died in a Brooklyn fire in 1939. His father, Gerald, retired from Engine 151 in Tottenville and his brother, Bryan Thomas Hanley, also retired from the department. Sean Hanley wore the shield number of his late maternal grandfather, Sandford Degon, who had also been a firefighter with Ladder 20 in SoHo.Thomas Hannafin, firefighter, New York Fire Department
Rene Hannafin leaves Sacred Heart church in West Brighton after the funeral for her husband, Thomas.(SI Advance Photo/Rob Sollett)Capt. Terence Hatton, New York Fire Dept
1st photo A funeral cortege for New York Fire Dept. Capt. Terence Hatton leaves St. Patrick's Cathedral. Hatton, 41, died in the Sept. 11 suicide bombings of the World Trade Center in lower Manhattan. Timothy A. Clary - AFP
2nd photo Conor Antoniou, right, nephew and godson of New York City Fire Dept. Capt. Terence Hatton, holds his uncle's cap as he stands with Hatton's widow, Beth Petrone-Hatton, second from left, when the firefighter's casket arrived at New York's St. Patrick's Cathedral for his funeral, Thursday Oct. 4, 2001. Hatton, 41, was remembered at a funeral Mass as a hero and a role model for his unborn child and for the nation. His wife only discovered she was pregnant after the World Trade Center attack that took Hatton's life. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)Timothy Haskell, 34, firefighter, New York Fire Department
The casket of firefighter Timothy Haskell from New York Rescue Squad 18, is carried from St. William the Abbot Catholic cchurch in Seaford, New York, Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2001. His mother Maureen walks behind the casket. Haskell's body was found Saturday in the World Trade Center wreckage. (AP Photo/Ed Bailey)William Henry, firefighter, New York Fire Department
George Howard, 45, Hicksville, N.Y., police officer, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
1st photo:This is an undated file photo of Port Authority of New York and New Jersey police officer George Howard. While addressing a joint session of Congress on Thursday, Sept. 20, 2001, nine days after suicide hijackers are believed to have killed more than 6,000 people at the Pentagon and World Trade Center, President Bush clasped the badge of the slain policeman in his fist. Howard had been rushing toward the Trade Center to help when he was hit by debris and killed. Bush said he would carry the badge, given to him by Howard's mother, as a reminder of what needs to be done. (AP Photo)
2nd photo: Family members and friends exit the church after the funeral for Port Authority Police officer George Howard at Saint Ignatius Loyola Church in Hicksville, N.Y., Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2001. Howard was killed in the World Trade Center on Sept. 11. (AP Photo/Ed Betz)Capt. Walter Hynes, 46, firefighter, New York Fire Department
1st photoNew York City firefighters carry the coffin of Captain Walter Hynes of Ladder Co. 13 as his wife Veronica, second from right, and three daughters Kaitlyn, right, Kerri, third from right, and Deirdre, bottom center, leave the St. Francis Roman Catholic Church following a service in the Queens borough of New York, Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2001. Hynes was killed during the collapse of the World Trade Center towers which were destroyed after being struck by two planes in a terrorist attack on September 11. (AP Photo/Shawn Baldwin)
2nd photo Sporting an American flag Brennan Savage, center, 5-years-old and his father New York City firefighter Brennan Savage Sr., right, of Ladder Co.137 in Queens salute the coffin (unseen) of Captain Walter Hynes of Ladder Co. 13 outside of the St. Francis Roman Catholic Church following a funeral service in New York, Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2001. Hynes was killed during the collapse of the World Trade Center towers which were destroyed after being struck by two planes in a terrorist attack on September 11. (AP Photo/Shawn Baldwin)Rev. Mychael Judge, 68, New York, N.Y., Fire Department chaplain, New York Fire Department.
This is an undated photo of the Rev. Mychal Judge, a New York City Fire Department chaplain.(AP Photo)
Second photo, Father Mychal F. Judge's helmet sits atop his casket at the front of Saint Francis of Assisi Church in New York during the funeral service for the Fire Department chaplain Saturday, Sept. 15, 2001. Judge died in the collapse of the World Trade Center towers after Tuesday's terrorist attack. (AP Photo/Kathy Willens, Pool)Neil J. Leavy, 34, Firefighter
On the morning of the attack, Firefighter Neil J. Leavy, 34, and his Brooklyn unit rushed to the World Trade Center -- where he had also worked as a civilian -- arriving at 9:40 a.m. His last radio contact came from the lobby of Tower 2, where he was headed toward the stairwell to do search and rescue. Mr. Leavy lost his life when Tower 2 collapsed. His body was pulled out of the rubble on Sunday night, after more than five days of round-the-clock searching by rescue workers.Joseph Lovero, 60, Jersey City, N.J., fire department dispatcher, Jersey City Fire Department
Martin McWilliams, 35, firefighter, New York Fire Department
Yamel Merino, 24, Yonkers, N.Y., emergency medical technician, Metro Care Ambulance Co
Lt. Dennis Mojica, firefighter, New York Fire Department
Manuel Mojica, firefighter, New York Fire Department
Patrick O'Keefe, Firefighter, New York Fire Department
1st photo: New York Fire Department firefighter Patrick O'Keefe with Rescue 1, in this undated family photo, is missing after responding to the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001 in New York. (AP Photo)(AP)
2nd photo: New York Fire Department firefighter Patrick O'Keefe with Rescue 1, in this undated family photo. (AP Photo) (AP)John O'Neill, director of security, World Trade Center
Dominick Pezzulo, 36
New York Port Authority Police officers carry the casket containing officer Dominick Pezzulo into the Our Lady of Assumption Church for his funeral in the Bronx section of New York City, September 19, 2001. Pezzulo was killed when the World Trade Center towers were destroyed after being struck by two hijacked airliners September 11 causing their collapse. REUTERS/Kai PfaffenbachRichard Prunty, battalion commander, New York Fire Department
John Santore, firefighter, New York Fire Department
1st photo: Firefighters from Manhattan's Ladder Co. 5, carry the flag draped casket of fellow fireman John Santore as his wife Frances, top center, and daughters Tiana, left, and Mirjana look on, at the conclusion of a funeral service in the New York borough of Staten Island, Wednesday September 19, 2001. Santore was one of many firefighters who lost their lives during the World Trade Center terrorist attack on September 11. (AP Photo / Stuart Ramson)
2nd photo: The casket of firefighter John Santore is carried out of Sacred Heart R.C. Church, West Brighton after his funeral mass. John Santore, 49, of West Brighton (SI Advance Photo/Michael McWeeney)
3rd photo: Frances Santore, center, watches as the casket of her husband, Firefighter John A. Santore, is carried in Sacred Heart R.C. Church in West Brighton (SI Advance Photo/Michael McWeeney)Daniel Suhr, 37, Neponsit, N.Y., firefighter, New York Fire Department
Lawrence Virgilio, firefighter, New York Fire Department
Lt. Michael Warchola, firefighter, New York Fire Department
Michael Weinberg, 30, firefighter, New York Fire Department
Lt. Glenn Wilkinson, firefighter, New York Fire Department
Lt. John Williamson, battalion commander, New York Fire Department
Raymond York, 45, firefighter, New York Fire Department
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